50 years Nanaimo Boxing 1963 to 2012
NANAIMO BOXING HISTORY 1963 to 2012: by Brian Zelley The modern history of the Nanaimo Amateur Boxing: The modern era begins in 1963 with the formation of the Newcastle Boxing Club by George Nepper . Other primary coaches were Harry Pollitt and Skimp Williams. Also, Rene Nepper and the Seriani brothers helped out along with Gardiner Smyth. Jerry Sorensen, Roger Nepper and others helped. The second club was the Nanaimo Boxing Club which was founded by Brian Zelley and Dan Wright in 1971. The present coach for the Nanaimo Boxing Club is former seventies boxer Barry Creswell. Some of the earliest boxers in action for the club would be Darren Lussier, Wayne Peace, Bob Pegues, Dan Wright and Brian Zelley. Some of the trainees would be John Ormandy, Stu Springett and various persons from Ladysmith such as Bob Jamison. Other boxers in the early years would be Mickey Griffin, Alan Toth, Jack Snaith, Fred Wicks and many ...